www.zahirasigns.com Makaton Charity. Zahira Signs. Makaton Online Courses Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4/ Makaton Training/ Birmingham/ West Midlands/ United Kingdom



As a parent of a child with communication difficulties, I realised  I had to learn Makaton to understand my child's needs.

Zahira Signs: Aims to train maximum people in Makaton as a communication method. To create a more inclusive environment for all those with communications difficulties who use Makaton. Enabling men, women, and children to lead more comfortable lives facilitated though a communication method that helps them express their individual needs. Allowing them to share their thoughts and feelings to make informed choices about their own lives.

 I thoroughly enjoyed my training and I am looking forward to completing the next two Levels over the coming months. I was made to feel very welcome and supported throughout the sessions and would highly recommend them to anyone.

- Hayley Williams

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