
Makaton Tutor

Based in The Royal Town of Sutton Coldfield. Covering the whole of the West Midlands, Birmingham, UK.


Freelance Regional Makaton Tutor

A great working environment

Learn Makaton online or face to face in a supportive, inclusive way to meet your own personal needs. Training for Professionals, Carer's, Parents and any interested individuals.

What is Makaton

Makaton is a language program for individuals who face communication difficulties. It was developed by the Makaton Charity. Makaton uses speech along with signs or symbols to aid communication.

Benefits of Makaton

Support individuals to communicate, works towards literacy goals. Can be used with people of all ages  working towards generating effective communication skills.

An excellent tutor. Very knowledgeable and professional.

- Penelope Lea

Call or email to find out more.

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